Human boby: workplace of Qi

A two-day workshop on the experience of Qi (vital energy) movement in the body and its daily management.

-What is Qi?
-Can we become aware of it?
-How is it affected by our attitude towards things?
-Can we finally intervene in this?

The techniques we will use to answer these questions are Shiatsu, Thai Chi and Meditation. As well as the theoretical approach to Energy Nutrition.
With these tools and inside the frame of Chinese Medicine, we will see how the disease emerges when the balance of Qi is disturbed at the physical, emotional and mental levels.
This approach will be linked to Physical Psychotherapy, as a field in which - as in shiatsu - the body functions as a bridge between emotion and mind.


13.00 Welcome
13.15-13.30 Wei Team Presentation
13.30-15.00 Tai Chi
15.00-16.30 Conservation and enhancement of our vital energy -Qi through Energy Nutrition
16.30-17.00 Break
17.00-18.15 Meditation

10.00-11.00 Tai Chi
11.00-11: 45 Human body: workplace of Qi
12.00-13.30 The body that speaks and feels! Exploring Physical Psychotherapy
13.30-14.00 Break
14.00-15.00 Meditation
15.00-16.00 Discussion

The program includes a full Shiatsu session, which will take place during the week before the workshop, by appointment.

The workshop is addressed to everyone, regardless of profession or property.
Maximum of 10 participants, priority will be kept.

Participation forms here:
Contact phone: 697 002 4705

Participation cost 80 € + VAT
Reservation with advance deposit of 40 € until 26/11.
* Deposit costs must be covered by the participant / depositor

Location: Calma Centro Yoga George Papandreou 71 Byron.


Wei team was created in 2018 by four shiatsu professionals to promote this technique as a holistic and comprehensive treatment, with multiple benefits to daily movement and quality of life.
Wei in Chinese means connection, integration and communication.

Thai Chi
Dimitris Pitanianoudis
Mind or Intention in Chinese Energy Arts. In this workshop we will explore how we can relax using the mind and then extend this sense of relaxation by simple movements.

Maintaining and enhancing our vital energy -Qi through energy nutrition.
Sophia Clissa
What Does Energy Nutrition Mean? Why should we follow it? Can a raw salad for dinner be heavier for the body than an egg? What does our spleen have to do with Qi vital energy?
These and more on traditional Chinese Medicine topics, we will examine together in the presentation on maintaining and enhancing our vital Qi energy through Energy Nutrition.

The body that speaks and feels! Exploring Physical Psychotherapy.
Tonia Kapsanaki and Pamela Baris
Physical Psychotherapy is a deep therapeutic approach where the individual is perceived as a set of mental emotions and physical functions. In this workshop we will explore the connection of body, mind and soul leaving the body free to speak and feel deeper in our self-knowledge!

Meditation: Breathing - Concentration
Erifili Bourlesa
Using our breath we will try to feel the Qi passing through the seven energy channels, strengthening the physical, emotional, mental and psychic part of ourselves.

Wei Team: Danae - Niki Nikolaou, Erifili Bourllessa, Christiana Chouliara
Through Shiatsu we are all given the opportunity to re-introduce ourselves to our body, to remember areas and parts of it that may have been forgotten, to give ourselves an hour of relaxation and care leaving our daily problems for a moment and rejuvenating our bodies.

Human body: workplace of Qi
Danai - Niki Nikolaou
In this session we will talk about Qi, its forms and role in the functioning of the physical, emotional and mental body. What is Qi? How it relates to the symptom. In what ways can we perceive it and finally intervene to stimulate it.


You can click here to see photos from the Workshop